How is Your Depression?


About the Book

Mental health does not look like one thing; in fact, it often doesn’t look like anything. And that’s part of the problem.

We can see a physical ailment, we can see a broken ankle or arm, we can hear a sneeze or a stuffy nose, but we can’t see why he can’t seem to get out of bed, why she feels comfort in picking her skin, why he is always angry, or why she wears baggy clothes to hide the body she will never feel is good enough.

'How is Your Depression?' is a collection of stories submitted by other people about their experiences with mental health. Each story is imagined as a conversation between two people. The book also includes poetry and photography.

I wanted to create this book to start a conversation. I wanted to create this book so we can begin to talk about mental health like we do everything else. I wanted to imagine a world where we could turn to one another and ask, "hey, how’s your depression?"



I wanted to make the book free so it could reach as many people as possible. That being the case, I am encouraging donations to InkWell, an organization that does creative writing workshops for people with mental health and addiction issues in Toronto. If you are able to donate, it will go a long way. 


Want to share your story? I would love to include it in future editions of the book. Please send me a message through my contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!